A diagnostic and development beamline could be built using an insertion device as the source. The thinking at present is that the wiggler for the IM beamline will become available once the superconducting wiggler is installed. Having an insertion device photon beam to use as a diagnostic could give the accelerator group more pertinent information on beam stability than the existing diagnostic beamlines that are on bending magnets. This could use one of the short straight sections where the RF cavities are and the available space on the technical floor is limited by the reception area. A search for components from decommissioned beamlines could be made to get adequate equipment at a substantially reduced price for the bigger components like mirrors and a monochromator. This beamline would enable development and testing of beamline components and enhance the engineering capabilities by providing a test bed. This could include both the optics and detectors which could be of interest to external groups working on detector development. Future user beamline developments could be tested on this beamline before being installed on user beam lines, reducing the impact on the user program. Development of a short period super conducting undulator as the source is a possible future development that would be of interest to the engineering group as well as other external collaborators.

pdf document Download Diagnostic and Development Beamline Project Proposal Here (pdf, 41kb)


Contact Greg LeBlanc
Position: Head of Accelerator Science and Operations, Australian Synchrotron
Phone: +61 (0)3 8540 4209
Fax: +61 (0)3 8540 4200
Email: [email protected]

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