Beamline Control Systems Users Workshop
18-19 April 2005
Workshop Summary
Presentation Summary
Beamline User workshop Introduction, Richard Farnsworth
EPICS for beamline controls, Mark Rivers
Gumtree: An Integrated Scientific Experimental Environment, Nick Hauser
Mature Graphical User Interfaces for Protein Crystallography Beamlines, Julian Adams
Python, IDL and EPICS as Experimental GUIs, Mark Rivers
LabView as an Experimental GUI, Mark Clift
Personnel Safety System description, Bryce Karnaghan
MMSN and Marysville Workshop, Peter Turner
Remote access to OPAL at ANSTO, Nick Hauser
Remote access to CSIRO Microbeam Laboratory, Colin MacRae
Grid-enabling of Australian Synchrotron, Mike Sargent
Integrating detectors with EPICS, Mark Rivers
Data storage proposals, Julian Adams