The following projects have been outlined in Science Case 2 as 'Phase 1 and 2' beamline projects; the detail of the scientific and technical scope of these beamlines is currently being strengthened. Click on the relevant link to read more about each project and download any additional material that has been supplied.

You can register your interest in any of the listed projects via the email address at the bottom of this page or on the relevant project page.


Further Information

USER INFORMATION USER INFORMATION Apply for access or find out about support services and user obligations.
OUR BEAMLINES OUR BEAMLINES Find out about our beamline capabilities and teams.
APPLY FOR BEAMTIME APPLY FOR BEAMTIME Submit your beamtime proposal on the user portal.
BOOK A TOUR EDUCATIONLab sessions and tours.
INDUSTRY INDUSTRY Commercial access to specialised facilities and expert advice.
OUR FACILITIES OUR FACILITIES Accelerator physics, engineering and computing.