The proposals listed below highlight potential future development opportunities for the Australian Synchrotron and are listed to allow the community an opportunity to further develop these submissions.
Atomic and Plasma Science Beamline
The beamline proposed herein links IR/vis with a wide X-ray range facility to an Electron Beam Ion Trap, one of the great atom traps in the world, of which there are currently only a handful in existence leading cutting edge research in Japan, USA, Europe and China. Combining an IR/vis/X-ray line with an EBIT, affords the opportunity for enormous and unique advances in pump-probe, resonance and high accuracy fundamental science investigations.
Download Full Draft Project Proposal Here (pdf, 102kb)
Contact Christopher Chantler
Position: School of Physics, University of Melbourne
Phone: +61 (0)3 8344 5437
Email: [email protected]
Further Information
- Contact Andrew Peele or Kia Wallwork at [email protected].