Key People


Member: Dr Roger Rassool, ACAS Director
Institution: University of Melbourne
Position: Director of ACAS, Melbourne University School of Physics
Email: [email protected]


Member: Dr Mark Boland, ACAS Deputy Director
Institution:Australian Synchrotron
Position: Principal Scientist
Email: [email protected]


Member: Prof. Geoffrey Taylor
Institution: University of Melbourne
Position: Australian Professorial Fellow
Email: [email protected]


Member: Dr Adi Paterson
Institution: ANSTO
Position: Chief Executive Officer


Member: Prof. John Dodson
Institution: ANSTO
Position: Head of Environmental Research institute
Email: [email protected]


Member: Dr David Cohen
Institution: ANSTO
Position: Senior Principal Research Scientist
Email: [email protected]


Member: Prof. David Hinde
Institution: ANU
Position: Head of Department, Department of Nuclear Physics
Email: [email protected]


Member: Dr. Nikolai Lobanov
Institution: ANU
Position: Accelerator Research and Operations Manager, Department of Nuclear Physics
Email: [email protected]


Member: Mr Greg Le Blanc
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Head of Accelerator Science and Operations
Email: [email protected]


Rohan Dowd

Member: Dr Rohan Dowd
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Senior Scientist
Email: [email protected]

Evelyne Meier

Member: Dr Evelyne Meier
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Post-Doc
Email: [email protected]

Eugene Tan

Member: Eugene Tan
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Scientist/Masters of Physics Student
Email: [email protected]

Elsa van Garderen

Member: Dr Elsa van Garderen
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Instrumentation Scientist
Email: [email protected]

Dr David Zhu

Member: Dr David Zhu
Institution: Australian Synchrotron
Position: Scientist
Email: [email protected]

Dr David Peake

Member: Dr David Peake
Institution: University of Melbourne
Position: Post-doc
Email: [email protected]



Member: Mr Kent Wootton
Institution: University of Melbourne
Position: PhD student
Email: [email protected]

Tessa Charles

Member: Miss Tessa Charles
Institution:Monash University
Position: PhD student
Email: [email protected]


Member: Mr Thomas Lucas
Institution: University of Melbourne
Position: Masters Student
Email: [email protected]