Staff Contacts
Staff Details | |
Dr Nigel Kirby Principal Scientist - SAXS/WAXS Contact Details Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 3 8540 4169 Fax: +61 3 8540 4200 |
Nigel Kirby is the Principal Scientist for the SAXS/WAXS beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. Starting in 2006, I did the full optical design of the beamline and was responsible for much of the conceptual and detailed design of the endstation. The beamline was primarily constructed in 2008 and 2009 and has remained under continual development ever since. An expert team of beamline scientists and engineers works continually to maximise the function and performance of the beamline and the quality of User support. Not surprisingly, the beamline has grown into one of the most productive and innovative x-ray facilities worldwide. My research interests are in x-ray optics, beamline automation, and rapid development and deployment of new capabilities needed by Users. Prior to working at the Australian Synchrotron, I was an ASRP Research Fellow based at Curtin University and spent considerable time at the APS and NSLS. My PhD was also at Curtin University on high temperature corrosion resistant ceramics.